Ways to support Fish the Moment

Tackle Warehouse link

Use the Tackle Warehouse link below when shopping for online fishing tackle. We get a small percentage of each purchase made using this link!



Give a monthly donation on our Patreon page to help us continue to create YouTube video, host events around the country, and create cool Fish the Moment Merchandise. Patreon Members gain access to special perks like voting on video topics, exclusive Patreon Member Live Streams, and more! You will also get a shoutout at the end of every video!


The Fish the Moment Versacraw

The Jewel VersaCraw is one of the most versatile jig trailers on the market. Equipped with multiple gates and appendages that allow the angler to customize the Versa Craw to have any kind of action that the angler desires. The Jewel VersaCraw does it all. 


The Fish the Moment Offshore Jig

The Fish the Moment Offshore Jig combines the best elements from jigs that have been kept secret for 30 years by local tournament anglers and professionals to create the most efficient and effective jig for offshore fishing on the market. Hope you enjoy!
